Beneath you are foaming rapids. Classic.
You need to cross over to the other side and the only thing there to help you do that is a rickety wooden bridge that the locals have assembled from random materials.
It looks sketchy but as you gaze across to the other side, you see other people like you who have crossed it.
In fact, there is a woman crossing it right now- she's already halfway down.
Don't worry this has something to do with marketing.
I was on a call a good-fit call a couple of weeks ago with an amazing course creator/ educator when she said:
"We have a rickety funnel"
They were referring to the fact that they had DIYed everything so far in their business.
"It's totally ok" I said.
It's way easier to fix a rickety funnel that works than to dismantle a shiny, solid bridge to NOWHERE.
This woman (and her biz partner) had several successful courses, thousands of people on their mailing list and have done all this with no marketing help.
Impressive I'd say.
The sad part is that I often see the opposite.
People with very shiny, complex funnels, perfect websites, polished logos- ALL THE THINGS.
Yet- no product-market fit, no traction, no actual market validation.
Because some unethical marketer(s) out there built them a golden bridge leading to nowhere and took their money while they were at it.
All this is to say- there is no point in hiring ANY marketing help until you know with 10000% certainty that the thing you are selling has a hungry market.
Here's a signal to look out for: you know it's a hungry market when people will buy it despite your ugly landing page. Heck, I've bought stuff off of a google doc.
This can be hard to face sometimes (been there).
You are tempted to think- oh maybe my copy is just OFF, or it must be because my website is so outdated- I better book that brand photographer.
It's because you are selling desert to people who just had a big dinner.